Publications of Janine Hofmann

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Braun, S.; Hofmann, J.; Wensing, A.; Ullrich, M.; Weingart, H.; Völksch, B.; Spiteller, D.: Identification of the biosynthetic gene cluster for 3-methylarginine, a toxin produced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae 22d/93. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76, pp. 2500 - 2508 (2010)
Journal Article
Braun, S.D.; Hofmann, J.; Wensing, A.; Weingart, H.; Ullrich, M.S.; Spiteller, D.; Völksch, B.: In vitro antibiosis by Pseudomonas syringae Pss22d, acting against the bacterial blight pathogen of soybean plants, does not influence in planta biocontrol. Journal of Phytopathology 158 (4), pp. 288 - 295 (2010)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Hofmann, J.: Investigation of the biosynthesis of the microbial compounds ebelactone A and B. Dissertation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2017)
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