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Preference for and resistance to a toxic sulfur volatile opens up a unique niche in Drosophila busckii. Nature Communications 2.
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Eurasian spruce bark beetle detects lanierone using a highly expressed specialist odorant receptor, present in several functional sensillum types. BMC Biology 3.
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Drosophila suzukii and Drosophila melanogaster prefer distinct microbial and plant aroma compounds in a complex fermented matrix. iScience 4.
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Phenolics as ecologically relevant cues for slime flux breeding Drosophila virilis. iScience 5.
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The ortholog receptor Or67d in Drosophila bipectinata is able to detect two different pheromones. Journal of Chemical Ecology 6.
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Temperature-mediated dynamics: Unravelling the impact of temperature on cuticular hydrocarbon profiles, mating behaviour, and life history traits in three Drosophila species. Heliyon 7.
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Male cuticular pheromones stimulate removal of the mating plug and promote re-mating through pC1 neurons in Drosophila females. eLife 8.
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Elevated ozone disrupts mating boundaries in drosophilid flies. Nature Communications 9.
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Carbonyl products of ozone oxidation of volatile organic compounds can modulate olfactory choice behavior in insects. Environmental Pollution 10.
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Genomes from historical Drosophila melanogaster specimens illuminate adaptive and demographic changes across more than 200 years of evolution. PLoS Biology