Publications of Markus Knaden
All genres
Journal Article (107)
Journal Article
51, 21 (2025)
Oviposition dynamics and niche utilization in two sympatric Drosophila species. Journal of Chemical Ecology 2.
Journal Article
16, 767 (2025)
Preference for and resistance to a toxic sulfur volatile opens up a unique niche in Drosophila busckii. Nature Communications 3.
Journal Article
Vector-based navigation in desert ants: the significance of path-integration vectors. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology (2024)
Journal Article
27 (12), 111341 (2024)
Shaping the environment – Drosophila suzukii larvae construct their own niche. iScience 5.
Journal Article
57, 110871 (2024)
Quantitive variation of male and female-specific compounds in 99 drosophilid flies. Data in Brief 6.
Journal Article
27 (11), 111180 (2024)
Phenolics as ecologically relevant cues for slime flux breeding Drosophila virilis. iScience 7.
Journal Article
50, pp. 610 - 619 (2024)
The ortholog receptor Or67d in Drosophila bipectinata is able to detect two different pheromones. Journal of Chemical Ecology 8.
Journal Article
13, RP9601 (2024)
Male cuticular pheromones stimulate removal of the mating plug and promote re-mating through pC1 neurons in Drosophila females. eLife 9.
Journal Article
27 (8), 110472 (2024)
Oviposition experience affects oviposition preference in Drosophila melanogaster. iScience 10.
Journal Article
224, 114142 (2024)
Chemical imitation of yeast fermentation by the drosophilid-pollinated deceptive trap-flower Aristolochia baetica (Aristolochiaceae). Phytochemistry 11.
Journal Article
49, bjae012 (2024)
How conspecific and allospecific eggs and larvae drive oviposition preference in Drosophila. Chemical Senses 12.
Journal Article
15, 2872 (2024)
Elevated ozone disrupts mating boundaries in drosophilid flies. Nature Communications 13.
Journal Article
12, 1351400 (2024)
Learning-based oviposition constancy in insects. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 14.
Journal Article
50, pp. 11 - 17 (2024)
Olfactory mating signals in the migratory locust Locusta migratoria. Journal of Chemical Ecology 15.
Journal Article
33 (24), pp. 5427 - 5438.e5 (2023)
Odorant detection in a locust exhibits unusually low redundancy. Current Biology 16.
Journal Article
33 (22), pp. 4771 - 4785.e7 (2023)
Evolution at multiple processing levels underlies odor-guided behavior in the genus Drosophila. Current Biology 17.
Journal Article
337, 122542 (2023)
Carbonyl products of ozone oxidation of volatile organic compounds can modulate olfactory choice behavior in insects. Environmental Pollution 18.
Journal Article
6, 905 (2023)
Temperature-dependent modulation of odor-dependent behavior in three drosophilid fly species of differing thermal preference. Communications Biology 19.
Journal Article
33 (13), pp. 2802 - 2805 (2023)
Absence of visual cues motivates desert ants to build their own landmarks. Current Biology 20.
Journal Article
380, 6644, pp. 537 - 543 (2023)
A chemical defense deters cannibalism in migratory locusts. Science