Publications of Bill S. Hansson
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Journal Article (433)
Journal Article
12 (3), nwae294 (2025)
Methyl eugenol regulates mating behavior in oriental fruit flies by enhancing lek attractiveness. National Science Review 2.
Journal Article
16, 1479 (2025)
Yeast-derived volatiles orchestrate an insect-yeast mutualism with oriental armyworm moths. Nature Communications 3.
Journal Article
51, 21 (2025)
Oviposition dynamics and niche utilization in two sympatric Drosophila species. Journal of Chemical Ecology 4.
Journal Article
16, 767 (2025)
Preference for and resistance to a toxic sulfur volatile opens up a unique niche in Drosophila busckii. Nature Communications 5.
Journal Article
15 (12), 1016 (2024)
Expression of Drosophila melanogaster V-ATPases in olfactory sensillum support cells. Insects 6.
Journal Article
27 (12), 111317 (2024)
Gene expansion in the hawkmoth Manduca sexta drives evolution of food-associated odorant receptors. iScience 7.
Journal Article
27 (12), 111341 (2024)
Shaping the environment – Drosophila suzukii larvae construct their own niche. iScience 8.
Journal Article
57, 110871 (2024)
Quantitive variation of male and female-specific compounds in 99 drosophilid flies. Data in Brief 9.
Journal Article
22, 266 (2024)
Eurasian spruce bark beetle detects lanierone using a highly expressed specialist odorant receptor, present in several functional sensillum types. BMC Biology 10.
Journal Article
25 (11), 111141 (2024)
Drosophila suzukii and Drosophila melanogaster prefer distinct microbial and plant aroma compounds in a complex fermented matrix. iScience 11.
Journal Article
27 (11), 111180 (2024)
Phenolics as ecologically relevant cues for slime flux breeding Drosophila virilis. iScience 12.
Journal Article
50, pp. 610 - 619 (2024)
The ortholog receptor Or67d in Drosophila bipectinata is able to detect two different pheromones. Journal of Chemical Ecology 13.
Journal Article
398, pp. 35 - 62 (2024)
Innexin expression and localization in the Drosophila antenna indicate gap junction or hemichannel involvement in antennal chemosensory sensilla. Cell and Tissue Research 14.
Journal Article
10 (17), e36671 (2024)
Temperature-mediated dynamics: Unravelling the impact of temperature on cuticular hydrocarbon profiles, mating behaviour, and life history traits in three Drosophila species. Heliyon 15.
Journal Article
13, RP9601 (2024)
Male cuticular pheromones stimulate removal of the mating plug and promote re-mating through pC1 neurons in Drosophila females. eLife 16.
Journal Article
Sensing volatiles throughout the body: geographic- and tissue-specific olfactory receptor expression in the fig wasp. Insect Science (2024)
Journal Article
27 (8), 110472 (2024)
Oviposition experience affects oviposition preference in Drosophila melanogaster. iScience 18.
Journal Article
38 (15), e23864 (2024)
Activation of the G protein-coupled sulfakinin receptor inhibits blood meal intake in the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Faseb Journal 19.
Journal Article
187 (15), pp. 13973 - 3991.e24 (2024)
Ring-shaped odor coding in the antennal lobe of migratory locusts. Cell 20.
Journal Article
22, 150 (2024)
SNMP1 is critical for sensitive detection of the desert locust aromatic courtship inhibition pheromone phenylacetonitrile. BMC Biology