Publications of Melkamu Woldemariam

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Woldemariam, M.; Galis, I.; Baldwin, I. T.: Jasmonoyl-l-isoleucine hydrolase 1 (JIH1) contributes to a termination of jasmonate signaling in N. attenuata. Plant Signaling & Behavior 9, e28973 (2014)
Journal Article
Woldemariam, M.; Dinh, T. S.; Oh, Y.; Gaquerel, E.; Baldwin, I. T.; Galis, I.: NaMYC2 transcription factor regulates a subset of plant defense responses in Nicotiana attenuata. BMC Plant Biology 13, 73 (2013)
Journal Article
Woldemariam, M.; Onkokesung, N.; Baldwin, I. T.; Galis, I.: Jasmonoyl-L-Isoleucine Hydrolase 1 (JIH1) regulates jasmonoyl-L-isoleucine levels and attenuates plant defenses against herbivores. The Plant Journal 72 (5), pp. 758 - 767 (2012)
Journal Article
Woldemariam, M.; Baldwin, I. T.; Galis, I.: Transcriptional regulation of plant inducible defenses against herbivores: A mini-review. Journal of Plant Interaction 6 (2-3), pp. 113 - 119 (2011)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Woldemariam, M.: Identification of novel regulatory mechanisms involved in plant-herbivore interactions in Nicotiana attenuata. Dissertation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2013)