Publications of Christoph Brütting

Journal Article (10)

Journal Article
Brütting, C.; Crava, M. C.; Schäfer, M.; Schuman, M. C.; Meldau, S.; Adam, N.; Baldwin, I. T.: Cytokinin transfer by a free-living mirid to Nicotiana attenuata recapitulates a strategy of endophytic insects. eLife 7, e36268 (2018)
Journal Article
Joo, Y.; Schuman, M. C.; Goldberg, J. K.; Kim, S.-G.; Yon, F.; Brütting, C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Herbivore-induced volatile blends with both "fast" and "slow" components provide robust indirect defence in nature. Functional Ecology 32 (1), pp. 136 - 149 (2018)
Journal Article
Schäfer, M.; Brütting, C.; Xu, S.; Ling, Z.; Steppuhn, A.; Baldwin, I. T.; Schuman, M. C.: NaMYB8 regulates distinct, optimally distributed herbivore defense traits. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 59 (12), pp. 844 - 850 (2017)
Journal Article
Brütting, C.; Schäfer, M.; Vanková, R.; Gase, K.; Baldwin, I. T.; Meldau, S.: Changes in cytokinins are sufficient to alter developmental patterns of defense metabolites in Nicotiana attenuata. The Plant Journal 89 (1), pp. 15 - 30 (2017)
Journal Article
Crava, M. C.; Brütting, C.; Baldwin, I. T.: Transcriptome profiling reveals differential gene expression of detoxification enzymes in a hemimetabolous tobacco pest after feeding on jasmonate-silenced Nicotiana attenuata plants. BMC Genomics 17, 1005 (2016)
Journal Article
Schäfer, M.; Brütting, C.; Baldwin, I. T.; Kallenbach, M.: High-throughput quantification of more than 100 primary- and secondary-metabolites, and phytohormones by a single solid-phase extraction based sample preparation with analysis by UHPLC-HESI-MS/MS. Plant Methods 12, 30 (2016)
Journal Article
Schäfer, M.; Meza Canales, I. D.; Navarro-Quezada, A.; Brütting, C.; Radomira, V.; Baldwin, I. T.; Meldau, S.: Cytokinin levels and signaling respond to wounding and the perception of herbivore elicitors in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 57 (2), pp. 198 - 212 (2015)
Journal Article
Schäfer, M.; Brütting, C.; Meza-Canales, I. D.; Großkinsky, D. K.; Vankova, R.; Baldwin, I. T.; Meldau, S.: The role of cis-zeatin-type cytokinins in plant growth regulation and mediating responses to environmental interactions. Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (16), pp. 4873 - 4884 (2015)
Journal Article
Schäfer, M.; Meza Canales, I. D.; Brütting, C.; Baldwin, I. T.; Meldau, S.: Cytokinin concentrations and CHASE-DOMAIN CONTAINING HIS KINASE 2 (NaCHK2)- and NaCHK3-mediated perception modulate herbivory-induced defense signaling and defenses in Nicotiana attenuata. New Phytologist 207 (3), pp. 645 - 658 (2015)
Journal Article
Schäfer, M.; Brütting, C.; Gase, K.; Reichelt, M.; Baldwin, I. T.; Meldau, S.: “Real time” genetic manipulation: a new tool for ecological field studies. The Plant Journal 76 (3), pp. 506 - 518 (2013)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Brütting, C.: Cytokinins shape plant-herbivore interactions in Nicotiana attenuata. Dissertation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2018)

Thesis - Master (1)

Thesis - Master
Brütting, C.: The role of cytokinins in plant responses to insect attack. Master, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth (2012)
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