Publications of A. Svatos

Journal Article (242)

Journal Article
Izaguirre, M. M.; Mazza, C. A.; Svatos, A.; Baldwin, I. T.; Ballare, C. L.: Solar ultraviolet-B radiation and insect herbivory trigger partially overlapping phenolic responses in Nicotiana attenuata and Nicotiana longiflora. Annals of Botany 99 (1), pp. 103 - 109 (2007)
Journal Article
Matoušková, P.; Pichová, I.; Svatos, A.: Functional characterization of a desaturase from the tobacco hornworm moth (Manduca sexta) with bifunctional Z11- and 10,12-desaturase activity. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 37 (6), pp. 601 - 610 (2007)
Journal Article
Muck, A.; Svatos, A.: Chemical modification of polymeric microchip devices. Talanta 74 (3), pp. 333 - 341 (2007)
Journal Article
Ping, L.; Büchler, R.; Mithöfer, A.; Svatos, A.; Spiteller, D.; Dettner, K.; Gmeiner, S.; Piel, J.; Schlott, B.; Boland, W.: A novel Dps-type protein from insect gut bacteria catalyses hydrolysis and synthesis of N-acyl amino acids. Environmental Microbiology 9 (6), pp. 1572 - 1583 (2007)
Journal Article
Piskorski, R.; Hanus, R.; Vašičkova, S.; Cvačka, J.; Šbotník, J.; Svatos, A.; Valterová, I.: Nitroalkenes and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons from the frontal gland of three Prorhinotermes termite species. Journal of Chemical Ecology 33 (9), pp. 1789 - 1794 (2007)
Journal Article
Schmitz, R.; Wolf, J.; Habel, A.; Neumann, A.; Ploss, K.; Svatos, A.; Boland, W.; Diekert, G.: Evidence for a radical mechanism of the dechlorination of chlorinated propenes mediated by the tetrachloroethene reductive dehalogenase of Sulfurospirillum multivorans. Environmental Science & Technology 41 (21), pp. 7370 - 7375 (2007)
Journal Article
Shroff, R.; Muck, A.; Svatos, A.: Analysis of low molecular weight acids by negative mode matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 21 (20), pp. 3295 - 3300 (2007)
Journal Article
Antonchik, A. P.; Svatos, A.; Konstantinova, O. V.; Zhabinskii, V. N.; Khripach, V. A.; Schneider, B.: Reversible conversion in the brassinosteroid quartet castasterone, brassinolide and their 3 beta-epimers. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences 61 (8), pp. 1039 - 1044 (2006)
Journal Article
Attygalle, A. B.; Kharbatia, N.; Bialecki, J.; Ruzicka, J.; Svatos, A.; Stauber, E. J.: An unexpected ion-molecule adduct in negative-ion collision-induced decomposition ion-trap mass spectra of halogenated benzoic acids. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 20 (15), pp. 2265 - 2270 (2006)
Journal Article
Brand, S.; Holscher, D.; Schierhorn, A.; Svatos, A.; Schroder, J.; Schneider, B.: A type III polyketide synthase from Wachendorfia thyrsiflora and its role in diarylheptanoid and phenylphenalenone biosynthesis. Planta 224 (2), pp. 413 - 428 (2006)
Journal Article
Cvacka, J.; Jiros, P.; Sobotnik, J.; Hanus, R.; Svatos, A.: Analysis of insect cuticular hydrocarbons using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32 (2), pp. 409 - 434 (2006)
Journal Article
Giri, A. P.; Wünsche, H.; Mitra, S.; Zavala, J. A.; Muck, A.; Svatos, A.; Baldwin, I. T.: Molecular interactions between the specialist herbivore Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) and its natural host Nicotiana attenuata. VII. Changes in the plant's proteome. Plant Physiology 142 (4), pp. 1621 - 1641 (2006)
Journal Article
Grosse-Wilde, E.; Svatos, A.; Krieger, J.: A pheromone-binding protein mediates the bombykol-induced activation of a pheromone receptor in vitro. Chemical Senses 31 (6), pp. 547 - 555 (2006)
Journal Article
Luxova, A.; Svatos, A.: Substrate specificity of membrane-bound alcohol oxidase from the tobacco hornworm moth (Manduca sexta) female pheromone glands. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B 38 (1), pp. 37 - 42 (2006)
Journal Article
Muck, A.; Ibanez, A. J.; Stauber, E. J.; Mansourova, M.; Svatos, A.: Atmospheric molding of ionic copolymer MALDI-TOF/MS arrays: A new tool for protein identification/profiling. Electrophoresis 27 (24), pp. 4952 - 4959 (2006)
Journal Article
Nejmanova, J.; Cvacka, J.; Hrdy, I.; Kuldova, J.; Mertelik, J.; Muck, A.; Nesnerova, P.; Svatos, A.: Residues of diflubenzuron on horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) leaves and their efficacy against the horse chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella. Pest Management Science 62 (3), pp. 274 - 278 (2006)
Journal Article
Saman, D.; Cvacka, J.; Svatos, A.; Bouman, E. A. P.; Kalinova, B.: Structural identification of an anthrasteroid hydrocarbon from the sheep tick Ixodes ricinus. Journal of Natural Products 69 (8), pp. 1203 - 1205 (2006)
Journal Article
Schuhegger, R.; Nafisi, M.; Mansourova, M.; Petersen, B. L.; Olsen, C. .. E.; Svatos, A.; Halkier, B. A.; Glawischnig, E.: CYP71B15 (PAD3) catalyzes the final step in camalexin biosynthesis. Plant Physiology 141 (4), pp. 1248 - 1254 (2006)
Journal Article
Vergara, F.; Svatoš, A.; Schneider, B.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Wittstock, U.: Glycine conjugates in a lepidopteran insect herbivore - The metabolism of benzylglucosinolate in the cabbage white butterfly, Pieris rapae. Chembiochem 7 (12), pp. 1982 - 1989 (2006)
Journal Article
Antonchik, A. P.; Svatos, A.; Schneider, B.; Konstantinova, O. V.; Zhabinskii, V. N.; Khripach, V. A.: 2,3-Epoxybrassinosteroids are intermediates in the biosynthesis of castasterone in seedlings of Secale cereale. Phytochemistry 66 (1), pp. 65 - 72 (2005)
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