Publications of Michael Reichelt

Journal Article (196)

Journal Article
Huang, J.; Reichelt, M.; Chowdhury, S.; Hammerbacher, A.; Hartmann, H.: Increasing carbon availability stimulates growth and secondary metabolites via modulation of phytohormones in winter wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany 68 (5), pp. 1251 - 1263 (2017)
Journal Article
Scholz, S.; Malabarba, J.; Reichelt, M.; Heyer, M.; Ludewig, F.; Mithöfer, A.: Evidence for GABA-induced systemic GABA accumulation in Arabidopsis upon wounding. Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 388 (2017)
Journal Article
Ohse, B.; Hammerbacher, A.; Seele, C.; Meldau, S.; Reichelt, M.; Ortmann, S.; Wirth, C.: Salivary cues: simulated roe deer browsing induces systemic changes in phytohormones and defense chemistry in wild‐grown maple and beech saplings. Functional Ecology 31 (2), pp. 340 - 349 (2017)
Journal Article
Khan, S. A.; Reichelt, M.; Heckel, D. G.: Functional analysis of the ABCs of eye color in Helicoverpa armigera with CRISPR/Cas9-induced mutations. Scientific Reports 7, 40025 (2017)
Journal Article
Bustos-Segura, C.; Poelman, E. H.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Gols, R.: Intraspecific chemical diversity among neighbouring plants correlates positively with plant size and herbivore load but negatively with herbivore damage. Ecology Letters 20 (1), pp. 87 - 97 (2017)
Journal Article
Forieri, I.; Sticht, C.; Reichelt, M.; Gretz, N.; Hawkesford, M. J.; Malagoli, M.; Wirtz, M.; Hell, R.: Systems analysis of metabolism and the transcriptome in Arabidopsis thaliana roots reveals differential co-regulation upon iron, sulfur and potassium deficiency. Plant, Cell and Environment 40 (1), pp. 95 - 107 (2017)
Journal Article
Pangesti, N.; Reichelt, M.; van de Mortel, J. E.; Kapsomenou, E.; Gershenzon, J.; van Loon, J. J. A.; Dicke, M.; Pineda, A.: Jasmonic acid and ethylene signaling pathways regulate glucosinolate levels in plants during Rhizobacteria-induced systemic resistance against a leaf-chewing herbivore. Journal of Chemical Ecology 42 (12), pp. 1212 - 1225 (2016)
Journal Article
Ode, P. J.; Harvey, J. A.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Gols, R.: Differential induction of plant chemical defenses by parasitised and unparasitized herbivores: consequences for reciprocal, multitrophic interactions. Oikos 125 (10), pp. 1398 - 1407 (2016)
Journal Article
Onkokesung, N.; Reichelt, M.; van Doorn, A.; Schuurink, R. C.; Dicke, M.: Differential costs of two distinct resistance mechanisms induced by different herbivore species in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 170 (2), pp. 2891 - 2906 (2016)
Journal Article
Crocoll, C.; Mirza, N.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Halkier, B. A.: Optimization of engineered production of the glucoraphanin precursor dihomomethionine in Nicotiana benthamiana. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 4, 14 (2016)
Journal Article
Kao, C.-W.; Bakshi, M.; Sherameti, I.; Dong, S.; Reichelt, M.; Oelmüller, R.; Yeh, K.-W.: A Chinese cabbage (Brassica campetris subsp. chinensis) τ-type glutathione-S-transferase stimulates Arabidopsis development and primes against abiotic and biotic stress. Plant Molecular Biology 92 (6), pp. 643 - 659 (2016)
Journal Article
Krempl, C.; Heidel-Fischer, H. M.; Jimenez-Aleman, G. H.; Reichelt, M.; Menezes, R. C.; Boland, W.; Vogel, H.; Heckel, D. G.; Joussen, N.: Gossypol toxicity and detoxification in Helicoverpa armigera and Heliothis virescens. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 78, pp. 69 - 77 (2016)
Journal Article
Krempl, C.; Sporer, T.; Reichelt, M.; Ahn, S.-J.; Heidel-Fischer, H. M.; Vogel, H.; Heckel, D. G.; Joußen, N.: Potential detoxification of gossypol by UDP-glycosyltransferases in the two Heliothine moth species Helicoverpa armigera and Heliothis virescens. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 71, pp. 49 - 57 (2016)
Journal Article
Malka, O.; Shekhov, A.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Giddings Vassão, D.; Morin, S.: Glucosinolate desulfation by the phloem-feeding insect Bemisia tabaci. Journal of Chemical Ecology 42 (3), pp. 230 - 235 (2016)
Journal Article
Sanchez-Arcos, C.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Kunert, G.: Modulation of legume defense signaling pathways by native and non-native pea aphid clones. Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 1872 (2016)
Journal Article
Vahabi, K.; Dorcheh, S. K.; Monajembashi, S.; Westermann, M.; Reichelt, M.; Falkenberg, D.; Hemmerich, P.; Sherameti, I.; Oelmüller, R.: Stress promotes Arabidopsis - Piriformospora indica interaction. Plant Signaling & Behavior 11 (5), e1136763 (2016)
Journal Article
Yilamujiang, A.; Reichelt, M.; Mithöfer, A.: Slow food: insect prey and chitin induce phytohormone accumulation and gene expression in carnivorous Nepenthes plants. Annals of Botany 118 (2), pp. 369 - 375 (2016)
Journal Article
Zhang, H.; Dugé de Bernonville, T.; Body, M.; Glevarec, G.; Reichelt, M.; Unsicker, S.; Bruneau, M.; Renou, J.-P.; Huguet, E.; Dubreuil, G. et al.; Giron, D.: Leaf-mining by Phyllonorycter blancardella reprograms the host-leaf transcriptome to modulate phytohormones associated with nutrient mobilization and plant defense. Journal of Insect Physiology 84, pp. 114 - 127 (2016)
Journal Article
Peskan-Berghöfer, T.; Vilches-Barro, A.; Müller, T. M.; Glawischnig, E.; Reichelt, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Rausch, T.: Sustained exposure to abscisic acid enhances the colonization potential of the mutualist fungus Piriformospora indica on Arabidopsis thaliana roots. New Phytologist 208 (3), pp. 873 - 886 (2015)
Journal Article
Docimo, T.; Davis, A. J.; Luck, K.; Fellenberg, C.; Reichelt, M.; Phillips, M.; Gershenzon, J.; D'Auria, J.: Influence of medium and elicitors on the production of cocaine, amino acids and phytohormones by Erythroxylum coca calli. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 120, pp. 1061 - 1075 (2015)
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