Publications of Axel Mithöfer

Journal Article (191)

Journal Article
Dávila-Lara, A.; Reichelt, M.; Wang, D.; Vogel, H.; Mithöfer, A.: Proof of anthocyanins in the carnivorous plant genus Nepenthes. FEBS Open Bio 11 (9), pp. 2576 - 2585 (2021)
Journal Article
Mithöfer, A.: A spotlight on prey-induced metabolite dynamics in sundew. A commentary on: 'Metabolomic analysis reveals reliance on secondary plant metabolites to facilitate carnivory in the Cape sundew, Drosera capensis. Annals of Botany 128 (3), mcab093 (2021)
Journal Article
Hu, B.; Mithöfer, A.; Reichelt, M.; Eggert, K.; Peters, F. S.; Ma, M.; Schumacher, J.; Kreuzwieser, J.; von Wiren, N.; Rennenberg, H.: Systemic reprogramming of phytohormone profiles and metabolic traits by virulent Diplodia infection in its pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) host. Plant, Cell and Environment 44 (8), pp. 2744 - 2764 (2021)
Journal Article
Malabarba, J.; Meents, A.; Reichelt, M.; Scholz, S.; Peiter, E.; Rachowka, J.; Konopka-Postupolska, D.; Wilkins, K. A.; Davies, J. M.; Oelmüller, R. et al.; Mithöfer, A.: ANNEXIN1 mediates calcium-dependent systemic defense in Arabidopsis plants upon herbivory and wounding. New Phytologist 231 (1), pp. 243 - 254 (2021)
Journal Article
Jacobi, V. G.; Fernandez, P. C.; Barriga, L. G.; Almeida-Trapp, M.; Mithöfer, A.; Zavala, J. A.: Plant volatiles guide the new pest Dichelops furcatus to feed on corn seedlings. Pest Management Science 77 (5), pp. 2444 - 2453 (2021)
Journal Article
Asudi, G. O.; Omenge, K. M.; Paulmann, M. K.; Reichelt, M.; Grabe, V.; Mithöfer, A.; Oelmüller, R.; Furch, A. C. U.: The physiological and biochemical effects on Napier grass plants following Napier grass stunt phytoplasma infection. Phytopathology 111 (4), pp. 703 - 712 (2021)
Journal Article
Gallinger, J.; Zikeli, K.; Zimmermann, M. R.; Görg, L. M.; Mithöfer, A.; Reichelt, M.; Seemüller, E.; Gross, J.; Furch, A. C. U.: Specialized 16SrX phytoplasmas induce diverse morphological and physiological changes in their respective fruit crops. PLoS Pathogens 17 (3), e1009459 (2021)
Journal Article
Rahman-Soad, A.; Dávila-Lara, A.; Paetz, C.; Mithöfer, A.: Plumbagin, a potent naphthoquinone from Nepenthes plants with growth inhibiting and larvicidal activities. Molecules 26 (4), 825 (2021)
Journal Article
Geilfus, C.-M.; Zhang, X.; Mithöfer, A.; Burgel, L.; Bárdos, G.; Zörb, C.: Leaf apoplastic alkalization promotes transcription of the ABA-synthesizing enzyme Vp14 and stomatal closure in Zea mays. Journal of Experimental Botany 72 (7), pp. 2686 - 2695 (2021)
Journal Article
Rayapuram, N.; Jarad, M.; Alhoraibi, H.; Bigeard, J.; Abulfaraj, A.; Volz, R.; Mariappan, K.; Almeida-Trapp, M.; Schlöffel, M.; Lastrucci, E. et al.; Bonhomme, L.; Gust, A. A.; Mithöfer, A.; Arold, S.; Pflieger, D.; Hirt, H.: Chromatin phosphoproteomics unravels a function for AT-hook motif nuclear localized protein AHL13 in PAMP-triggered immunity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (3), e2004670118 (2021)
Journal Article
Meents, A.; Mithöfer, A.: Plant-plant communication: Is there a role for volatile damage- associated molecular patterns? Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 583275 (2020)
Journal Article
Bernardini, C.; Pagliari, L.; Rosa, V. D.; Almeida-Trapp, M.; Martini, S. S. M.; Buoso, S.; Loi, A. L. N.; Mithöfer, A.; Chiesa, F.; van Bel, A. J. E. et al.; Musetti, R.: Pre-symptomatic modified phytohormone profile is associated with lower phytoplasma titres in an Arabidopsis seor1ko line. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 14770 (2020)
Journal Article
Dillon, F. M.; Chludil, H. D.; Mithöfer, A.; Zavala, J. A.: Solar UVB-inducible ethylene alone induced isoflavonoids in pods of field- grown soybean, an important defense against stink bugs. Environmental and Experimental Botany 178, 104167 (2020)
Journal Article
Dávila-Lara, A.; Rodríguez-López, C. E.; O’Connor, S. E.; Mithöfer, A.: Metabolomics analysis reveals tissue-specific metabolite compositions in leaf blade and traps of carnivorous Nepenthes plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (12), 4376 (2020)
Journal Article
Sözen, C.; Schenk, S. T.; Boudsocq, M.; Chardin, C.; Almeida-Trapp, M.; Krapp, A.; Hirt, H.; Mithöfer, A.; Colcombet, J.: Wounding and insect feeding trigger two independent MAPK pathways with distinct regulation and kinetics. The Plant Cell 32 (6), pp. 1988 - 2003 (2020)
Journal Article
Mithöfer, A.: Ein Pionier der chemischen Ökologie: Zum 100. Todestag von Christian Ernst Stahl. Biologie in unserer Zeit 50 (2), pp. 91 - 92 (2020)
Journal Article
Vieira, J. L.; Almeida-Trapp, M.; Mithöfer, A.; Plass, W.; Gallo, J. M. R.: Rationalizing the conversion of glucose and xylose catalyzed by a combination of Lewis and Brønsted acids. Catalysis Today 344, pp. 92 - 101 (2020)
Journal Article
Jarad, M.; Mariappan, K.; Almeida-Trapp, M.; Mette, M. F.; Mithöfer, A.; Rayapuram, N.; Hirt, H.: The lamin-like LITTLE 1 NUCLEI 1 (LINC1) regulates pattern triggered immunity and jasmonic acid signaling. Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 1639 (2020)
Journal Article
Busch, A.; Deckena, M.; Almeida-Trapp, M.; Kopischke, S.; Kock, C.; Schüssler, E.; Tsiantis, M.; Mithöfer, A.; Zachgo, S.: MpTCP1 controls cell proliferation and redox processes in Marchantia polymorpha. New Phytologist 224 (4), pp. 1627 - 1641 (2019)
Journal Article
Meents, A. K.; Chen, S.-P.; Reichelt, M.; Lu, H.-H.; Bartram, S.; Yeh, K.-W.; Mithöfer, A.: Volatile DMNT systemically induces jasmonate-independent direct anti-herbivore defense in leaves of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) plants. Scientific Reports 9, 17431 (2019)
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