Publications of Georg Pohnert
All genres
Journal Article (238)
Journal Article
13 (23), 3415 (2024)
The impact of temperature on host–parasite interactions and metabolomic profiles in the marine diatom Coscinodiscus granii. Plants 2.
Journal Article
9, pp. 2356 - 2368 (2024)
Bacteria modulate microalgal aging physiology through the induction of extracellular vesicle production to remove harmful metabolites. Nature Microbiology 3.
Journal Article
129 (1), e2023JG007449 (2024)
Dimethyl sulfide emissions from a peatland result more from organic matter degradation than sulfate reduction. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 4.
Journal Article
87 (1), pp. 50 - 57 (2024)
2-Homoectoine: An additional member of the ectoine family from phyto- and bacterioplankton involved in osmoadaptation. Journal of Natural Products 5.
Journal Article
62 (43), e202307165 (2023)
Structure elucidation of the first sex-inducing pheromone of a diatom. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 6.
Journal Article
14, 1252498 (2023)
Microbial degradation and assimilation of veratric acid in oxic and anoxic groundwaters. Frontiers in Microbiology 7.
Journal Article
2, 1051955 (2023)
Single-cell metabolome profiling for phenotyping parasitic diseases in phytoplankton. Frontiers in Analytical Science 8.
Journal Article
88 (22), e0161922 (2022)
Dynamic diatom-bacteria consortia in synthetic plankton communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 9.
Journal Article
20 (11), 727 (2022)
Orchestrated response of intracellular zwitterionic metabolites in stress adaptation of the halophilic heterotrophic bacterium Pelagibaca bermudensis. Marine Drugs 10.
Journal Article
12, 7451 (2022)
Microbial community functioning during plant litter decomposition. Scientific Reports 11.
Journal Article
9, 821167 (2022)
Pronounced uptake and metabolism of organic substrates by diatoms revealed by pulse-labeling metabolomics. Frontiers in Marine Science 12.
Journal Article
14, pp. 239 - 260 (2022)
Temporal and spatial signaling mediating the balance of the plankton microbiome. Annual Review of Marine Science 13.
Journal Article
19 (12), 683 (2021)
Cysteinolic acid is a widely distributed compatible solute of marine microalgae. Marine Drugs 14.
Journal Article
47, pp. 504 - 512 (2021)
Pheromone mediated sexual reproduction of pennate diatom Cylindrotheca closterium. Journal of Chemical Ecology 15.
Journal Article
17, pp. 1313 - 1322 (2021)
A new glance at the chemosphere of macroalgal–bacterial interactions: In situ profiling of metabolites in symbiosis by mass spectrometry. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 16.
Journal Article
15, pp. 562 - 576 (2021)
Mating type specific transcriptomic response to sex inducing pheromone in the pennate diatom Seminavis robusta. The ISME Journal 17.
Journal Article
22 (3), 1247 (2021)
Untargeted metabolomics unveil changes in autotrophic and mixotrophic Galdieria sulphuraria exposed to high-light intensity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18.
Journal Article
8, 563379 (2021)
Soil solution analysis with untargeted GC–MS—A case study with different lysimeter types. Frontiers in Earth Science 19.
Journal Article
11, 578204 (2020)
Simultaneous real-time measurement of isoprene and 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol emissions from trees using SIFT-MS. Frontiers in Plant Science 20.
Journal Article
10, 20444 (2020)
Metabolomics-derived marker metabolites to characterize Phaeocystis pouchetii physiology in natural plankton communities. Scientific Reports