Publications of Matthias Erb

Journal Article (57)

Journal Article
Machado, R. A. R.; Arce, C. C. M.; McClure, M. A.; Baldwin, I. T.; Erb, M.: Aboveground herbivory induced jasmonates disproportionately reduce plant reproductive potential by facilitating root nematode infestation. Plant, Cell and Environment 41 (4), pp. 797 - 808 (2018)
Journal Article
Ferrieri, A. P.; Machado, R. A. R.; Arce, C. C. M.; Kessler, D.; Baldwin, I. T.; Erb, M.: Localized micronutrient patches induce lateral root foraging and chemotropism in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 59 (10), pp. 759 - 771 (2017)
Journal Article
Machado, R. A. R.; Baldwin, I. T.; Erb, M.: Herbivory-induced jasmonates constrain plant sugar accumulation and growth by antagonizing gibberellin signaling and not by promoting secondary metabolite production. New Phytologist 215 (2), pp. 803 - 812 (2017)
Journal Article
Cosme, M.; Lu, J.; Erb, M.; Stout, M. J.; Franken, P.; Wurst, S.: A fungal endophyte helps plants to tolerate root herbivory through changes in gibberellin and jasmonate signaling. New Phytologist 211 (3), pp. 1065 - 1076 (2016)
Journal Article
Huber, M.; Bont, Z.; Fricke, J.; Brillatz, T.; Aziz, Z.; Gershenzon, J.; Erb, M.: A below-ground herbivore shapes root defensive chemistry in natural plant populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1827), 20160285 (2016)
Journal Article
Huber, M.; Epping, J.; Gronover, C. S.; Fricke, J.; Aziz, Z.; Brillatz, T.; Swyers, M.; Köllner, T. G.; Vogel, H.; Hammerbacher, A. et al.; Triebwasser-Freese, D.; Robert, C.; Verhoeven, K.; Preite, V.; Gershenzon, J.; Erb, M.: A latex metabolite benefits plant fitness under root herbivore attack. PLoS Biology 14 (1), e1002332 (2016)
Journal Article
Lu, J.; Robert, C.; Lou, Y.; Erb, M.: A conserved pattern in plant-mediated interactions between herbivores. Ecology and Evolution 6 (4), pp. 1032 - 1040 (2016)
Journal Article
Machado, R. A. R.; McClure, M.; Hervé, M.; Baldwin, I. T.; Erb, M.: Benefits of jasmonate-dependent defenses against vertebrate herbivores in nature. eLife 5, e13720 (2016)
Journal Article
Machado, R. A. R.; Robert, C.; Arce, C. C. M.; Ferrieri, A. P.; Xu, S.; Jimenez-Aleman, G. H.; Baldwin, I. T.; Erb, M.: Auxin is rapidly induced by herbivory attack and regulates a subset of systemic, jasmonate-dependent defenses. Plant Physiology 172 (1), pp. 521 - 532 (2016)
Journal Article
Erb, M.; Robert, C.; Marti, G.; Lu, J.; Doyen, G. R.; Villard, N.; Barrière, Y.; French, B. W.; Wolfender, J.-L.; Turlings, T. C. J. et al.; Gershenzon, J.: A physiological and behavioral mechanism for leaf herbivore-induced systemic root resistance. Plant Physiology 169 (4), pp. 2884 - 2894 (2015)
Journal Article
Ferrieri, A. P.; Arce, C. C. M.; Machado, R. A. R.; Meza-Canales, I. D.; Lima, E.; Baldwin, I. T.; Erb, M.: A Nicotiana attenuata cell wall invertase inhibitor (NaCWII) reduces growth and increases secondary metabolite biosynthesis in herbivore-attacked plants. New Phytologist 208 (2), pp. 519 - 530 (2015)
Journal Article
Machado, R. A. R.; Arce, C. C. M.; Ferrieri, A. P.; Baldwin, I. T.; Erb, M.: Jasmonate-dependent depletion of soluble sugars compromises plant resistance to Manduca sexta. New Phytologist 207 (1), pp. 91 - 105 (2015)
Journal Article
Maag, D.; Dalvit, C.; Thevenet, D.; Köhler, A.; Christoff Wouters, F.; G. Vassão, D.; Gershenzon, J.; Wolfender, J.-L.; Turlings, T. C.J.; Erb, M. et al.; Glauser, G.: 3-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-6-methoxy-2-benzoxazolinone (MBOA-N-Glc) is an insect detoxification product of maize 1,4-benzoxazin-3-ones. Phytochemistry 102, pp. 97 - 105 (2014)
Journal Article
Sobhy, I.; Erb, M.; Lou, Y.; Turlings, T. C. J.: The prospect of applying chemical elicitors and plant strengtheners to enhance the biological control of crop pests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 369, 20120283 (2014)
Journal Article
Kästner, J.; Himanshu, H.; von Knorre, D.; Baldwin, I. T.; Erb, M.; Meldau, S.: Salicylic acid, a plant defense hormone, is specifically secreted by a molluscan herbivore. PLoS One 9 (1), e86500 (2014)
Journal Article
Agtuca, B.; Rieger, E.; Hilger, K.; Song, L.; Robert, C.; Erb, M.; Karve, A.; Ferrieri, R. A.: Carbon-11 reveals opposing roles of auxin and salicylic acid in regulating leaf physiology, leaf metabolism, and resource allocation patterns that impact root growth in Zea mays. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 33, pp. 328 - 339 (2014)
Journal Article
Boachon, B.; Gamir, J.; Pastor, V.; Erb, M.; Dean, V. J.; Flors, V.; Mauch-Mani, B.: Role of two UDP-Glycosyltransferases from the L group of Arabidopsis in resistance against Pseudomonas syringae. European Journal of Plant Pathology 139, pp. 707 - 720 (2014)
Journal Article
Falk, K.; Kästner, J.; Bodenhausen, N.; Schramm, K.; Paetz, C.; G. Vassão, D.; Reichelt, M.; von Knorre, D.; Bergelson, J.; Erb, M. et al.; Gershenzon, J.; Meldau, S.: The role of glucosinolates and the jasmonic acid pathway in resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana against molluskan herbivores. Molecular Ecology 23 (5), pp. 1188 - 1203 (2014)
Journal Article
D’Alessandro, M.; Erb, M.; Ton, J.; Brandenburg, A.; Karlen, D.; Zopfi, J.; Turlings, T. C. J.: Volatiles produced by soil-borne endophytic bacteria increase plant pathogen resistance and affect tritrophic interactions. Plant, Cell and Environment 37, pp. 813 - 826 (2013)
Journal Article
Meihls, L.N.; Handrick, V.; Glauser, G.; Barbier, H.; Kaur, H.; Haribal, M.M.; Lipka, A.E.; Gershenzon, J.; Buckler, E.S.; Erb, M. et al.; Köllner, T.; Jander, G.: Natural variation in maize aphid resistance is associated with 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one glucoside methyltransferase activity. The Plant Cell 25 (6), pp. 2341 - 2355 (2013)
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